Roses are red, violets are blue, and it’s always safety first for the TIC crew. But Thomas Industrial Coatings doesn’t need a special day full of candy-filled hearts or flowers to celebrate our commitment to safety, not when we have a staff highly-dedicated and certified professionals who show their love for a safe workplace each and every day of the year.

For instance, you may remember when we started incorporating the Board of Certified Safety Professionals’ Safety Trained Supervisor program into our training in June of 2012. We were looking for a way of pushing our already strict safety goals even further for our managers and supervisors. By educating and supporting these employees through the STS program, they’re now better trained to monitor job sites for hazards, ensure regulatory compliance, and train their own crews in workplace safety practices than they ever were before.

By the end of 2012, 14 members of the Thomas Industrial Coatings staff had achieved STS certification. We’re proud to say we’ve already increased that number to 16 this year, and we’ve got plans to make sure it keeps growing as the year goes on. We’ve done so well, in fact, that we’ve been listed on the BSCP’s STS Sponsorship Program page, and that means more to us than any rose-carrying teddy bear we might receive.

All of this just underlines our love for a workplace that ensures every member of our staff remains healthy and safe throughout their work day. We think that’s a much better message than you’ll find in any greeting card, don’t you?

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