Working on penstock and pipeline coatings projects comes with a unique set of safety hurdles that we have to consider. While we may not be 100 feet in the air, safety concerns run the gamut for coating pipelines.

Here are four key considerations that we as industrial painters should always work to keep top-of-mind when approaching a pipeline coating job.

1. Moving vehicles

First of all, it’s easy to forget that pipelines also often need to be coated on the inside. One of the largest concerns for internal pipeline coating is potentially being struck by a vehicle in a large pipe setting. Getting blindsided is hazardous at street level, not even considering the added complications of being on the inside of a pipeline.

2. Falling debris

Another common risk that is amplified for pipeline coatings is falling debris. All of our job-sites require hard hats, and pipeline job-sites are certainly no exception. The cylindrical nature of pipes and penstocks means that debris can come from any angle. And debris coming from any angle means a much increased risk of danger.

3. Safe evacuation routes

When it comes to pipelines already in use, stopping the flow of whatever the pipe is used for is a significant concern. Plugging the flow within a pipeline means that there is an immense pressure continuing to build. Not only must we be cognisant of this, we also must make sure that there are safe evacuation routes for all in the tunnel.

4. Fresh air

Just as there must be secondary entries and exits for the safety of everyone inside the pipeline, alternate air sources are a nonnegotiable. Fresh air is always a concern when painting, even in our homes. Magnify that with the closed in surroundings of a pipe, and a very dangerous situation is at hand. Sourcing clean air for pipeline coatings is a top priority.

Safer for everyone

Industrial pipeline coatings certainly isn’t the easiest job on the planet. But by us keeping our team safe while they do a quality job, pipelines become safer for everyone. At Thomas Industrial Coatings, we work hard to keep our team as safe as they can be. We hope you, fellow industrial painters, will work to do the same.


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